Philip S. Wimer, Co. B, 1st Artillery, 43rd Regt., enrolled Aug. 11, 1864 at Allegheny, Pa. and was mustered in Aug. 19, 1864 as a Private at the same place. He was aged 21, with a ruddy complexion, hazel eyes, black hair and was 5' 7" tall. He was a Hotel keeper by occupation and a resident of Butler County, Pa. He mustered out with battery June 9, 1865. Recruit.
(Source: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861 - 1865, Samuel Bates, 1869, Vol. 1, p. 983; ARIAS, Pennsylvania's Digital State Archives online.)
(Source: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861 - 1865, Samuel Bates, 1869, Vol. 1, p. 983; ARIAS, Pennsylvania's Digital State Archives online.)